Trusts & Foundations


We advise on a number of private wealth structures and other fiduciary matters, including, the establishment of, and on-going work involved in, trusts and foundations used for managing private wealth. We also provide services to corporate clients such as, transactions involving the sales of companies, lending and security arrangements, the provision of legal opinions for the purposes of lending within a structure and general company law matters.

  • Drafting detailed trust instruments and complex regulations for foundations, including the implementation of tax and other professional advice

  • Preparing ancillary instruments for events during the life of a structure, such as instruments for the appointment and retirement of trustees, the addition and removal of beneficiaries, appointments to beneficiaries and changes in foundation council members

  • Bespoke articles of association and management agreements for private trust companies

  • General reviews of trust and foundation structures and the provision of detailed advice.



Business & Trusts

We are known for giving clear, practical advice on a diverse range of matters, and for finding solutions to complex issues for our clients.

Company & Commercial

Pensions & Employee Incentives

Commercial Property

Charities & Philanthropy

Trusts & Foundation

Sports & Media